Adult Hockey in the Flathead Valley

Drop-In Hockey

Drop-in hockey is offered by WAHA on a first come-first serve basis. Each slot is organized by player ability and/or demographic. Helmets are required and a full set of protective equipment is highly recommended. WAHA makes its best attempt to provide two goalies for each skate. Skates are typically capped at 22-26 players.

Drop-In sessions are for all gender of players, 18 years of age or greater.


All skaters must sign-in and pay for drop-in online at or by clicking on the sign-up button in the upper right corner of the website. Goalies need to sign-up through the goalie coordinator:

Item Use Cost
Drop-In Single Session $16.00
10-Punch Drop-in Card 10 punches, valid for 1 year $130.00
20-Punch Drop-in Card 20 punches, valid for 1 year $240.00

Weekly Schedule

Drop-in hockey times are always subject to changes. For a definitive schedule, please check out

Season Level Time Day
Oct - Mar Co-Rec Check Schedule Wednesday Mid-Day
Oct - Mar C, D, E Check Schedule Friday Afternoon
Oct - Mar A, B Check Schedule Saturday Morning
Oct - Mar Over 40 Check Schedule Sunday Afternoon

Over 60

Over 60 Hockey takes place on Tuesday and Thursdays afternoons October-June. Space is available pre-season via coordinator Jack Fallon. To get on the Over 60 contact list email>. Jack will reach out when spots are available or subs are needed.

Host a Drop-in

Want to get a specific group together for a private drop-in hockey time. Email for information.

Site developed by the ZaneRay Group