Adult Hockey in the Flathead Valley

Beginner Hockey Program for Adults!

The Rookie Adult Program, is designed for adults with very little to no previous organized hockey experience. The program is for those who can't skate, can barely skate, or have skated a little and want to learn to play hockey. The focus of the Rookie Program will be on skating, basic hockey skills, and concepts of team play. These sessions are co-ed, non-contact, and they are a friendly way to learn this sport. A helmet with cage or half shield is required. Protective shin pads, elbow pads, hockey gloves, and hockey pants will be required by the third session. Limited rental gear may be available for free for the first two sessions. At the first session, Instructors will be available to help properly put on protective gear and will have advice for the how and where to purchase used and/or new gear.

Questions? Email

Games, Skills & Drills

Rookie League participants will have the opportunity to participate in both coach-lead games and instructor-lead skills and drills practices.


Drop-In Skills & Drills

Have you played in league for a few seasons but would like to improve your game? Attend a special skills and drills session to improve your skating, stopping, passing and positioning. Learn backwards cross-overs, practice catching stretch passes or just have fun skating outdoors!



Registration happens during league registration in the September and December for Fall and Winter leagues.

How to get dressed for Hockey

USA Hockey's guide to getting dressed for hockey, its prety much the same for every age of player!

Site developed by the ZaneRay Group